Somebody claiming to be Kurt H Maier wrote:
>web idiots have been spouting such bullshit since the 'graceful
>degradation' days of html4. it's never come true, and it never will,
>because the "standards" put forth are anything but. what you are
>talking about is the web version of "the check is in the mail" and
>"it's not what it looks like"
While there is great reason to be pessemistic, in the end the situation is
no different than in any other maker/coder/creator field: the tools to make
the web really quite good have been there for years, but most people writing
the pages are not motivated to make them suck less than the average, and so
keep producing terrible <div> nests, etc, making all the nice stuff we're
supposed to have a lot less useful.
Stephen Paul Weber, _AT_singpolyma
See <> for how I prefer to be contacted
edition right joseph
Received on Wed Nov 02 2011 - 18:28:35 CET