Re: [dev] [surf] downloads

From: <>
Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2011 12:00:31 +0100

> I post this anyway, someone might find it useful. Of course, something like
> "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.2+ (KHTML, like Gecko,
> surf-"VERSION") Safari/531.2+" would make more sense. Don't know how to use the
> static char useragent in the macro.

well, works with:

        #define DOWNLOAD(d) { \
        .v = (char *[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", \
        "st -e sh -c \"wget " \
+ "--user-agent '$1' " \
        "--no-check-certificate --load-cookies ~/.surf/cookies.txt '$0'; " \
- "pwd; exec ${SHELL}\"", d, NULL } }
+ "pwd; exec ${SHELL}\"", d, useragent, NULL } }

Received on Sat Nov 05 2011 - 12:00:31 CET

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