Re: [dev] [dwm] 2000 SLOC

From: Paul Tan <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2011 09:11:55 +0000

------Original Message------
From: hiro
To: dev mail list
ReplyTo: dev mail list
Subject: Re: [dev] [dwm] 2000 SLOC
Sent: Nov 2, 2011 5:10 PM

> I once envisioned a Plugin to directly go to "Print Views" of websites,
> since they tend to have considerably less suck on them.

I used to do the same thing, also I processed these pages with a few
scripts and htmlfmt. But then these clever web site operators stopped
serving specially cleansed pages and the "print" link is now generally
just a java script selecting an other CSS layout. So we are pretty
much left alone with a huge pile of junk in every html file today.

Also -- HTML embedded base64 encoded images every two or three lines
(for the 30 twitter symbols).
Fuck HTML5

Received on Wed Nov 02 2011 - 10:11:55 CET

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