Re: [dev] smessage

From: Fernando C.V. <>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 16:24:44 +0100

I've been wanting for a long time some simple tool to replace the
libnotify popups. Using xsetroot is just not enough for me to notice
the warnings (and I do need to be warned when my battery is running
out or the temperature is too high). Both xmessage and smessage use a
window that steals the focus as soon as it appears, so it's not very

I didn't play too much with X11 API.. would it be even possible to
modify smessage.c to draw directly on the display without using a
window? if so.. any help on how would I do this?

Received on Fri Mar 02 2012 - 16:24:44 CET

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