Using dwm on a customized system and accomplished X autologin and
starting of applications using the following:
For X autologin:
1. Modified /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc to add a sudo. Thus:
exec sudo /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp "$_AT_"
2. Add user to sudoers list with no password required.
3. Have the following in /etc/init.d/autox:
su autouser -l -c "/bin/bash --login -c startx >/dev/null 2>&1" &
For starting of applications:
1. In the user's xinitrc:
exec dwm &
xrandr --output LVDS-2 --fb 1300x740 --scale 1.62x1.54
hash surf && surf
So the questions are:
1. Is there a better way to accomplish X autologin? Preferrably without
installing a login manager.
2. For autostarting applications, the above was the only way I could
get surf to maximize with the xrandr scaling. Otherwise surf would
only maximize to the original resolution (in this case, 800x480).
3. What is the 'hash' used for? I got this from the xinitrc.example on
on the dwm website.
Thank you,
Received on Mon May 07 2012 - 07:49:17 CEST