[dev] [st] libcaca output

From: Christoph Lohmann <20h_AT_r-36.net>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 20:22:15 +0100

Greetings comrades,

I have been trying to use my new fast shell lines to play videos over
libcaca in st. I can’t seem to get libcaca to produce any working curses
picture in xterm and st.

My command:

        CACA_DRIVER=ncurses \
                quvi --exec "mplayer -vo caca %u" \

You can watch the real caca output by removing the defintion of CA‐

This only produces flickering at certain frames. Sometimes the frames
seem to be the real video content but then it all disappears. The same
happens for xterm. Urxvt produces no output at all.

Anyone got libcaca to work in this mode in some terminal?


Christoph Lohmann
Received on Wed Jan 16 2013 - 20:22:15 CET

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