On 11/02/13 at 06:38am, Christoph Lohmann wrote:
> Greetings.
> First: That one is hard to debug.
> On Mon, 11 Feb 2013 06:38:07 +0100 "Peter A. Shevtsov" <petr.shevtsov_AT_gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > It seems that new Web Inspector feature ain't work for me.
> >
> > When I press Ctrl-Shift-o for the first time, then nothing happens, when I press the
> > keys for the second time Web Inspector pane appears, but instead of the actual Web
> > Inspector UI I see its html source[1], and finally when I press the keys combination for
> > the third time, Web Inspector pane dissapears.
> Are you sure you didn’t press Ctrl + o instead of Ctrl + Shift + o?
> If you are sure, then do the other hotkeys work which have a Shift modi‐
> fier? Does Ctrl + Shift + r vs. Ctrl + r work? If that does not really
> show a difference, try to redefine Ctrl + Shift + o to something only
> using Ctrl, like Ctrl + t and see if the Web Inspector opens. If that
> works, then it’s just a bug in the hotkey mask. If not, then something
> more ugly is wrong.
> I can't reproduce the bug, so you have to do the debugging. I'm sorry.
> Please report back.
> Sincerely,
> Christoph Lohmann
Hello Christoph.
I've tried all other Ctrl-Shift hotkeys and they all work fine. I also redefined Web
Inspector to Ctrl-t and its behavior remains the same:
1. does nothing,
2. Web Inpector pane with source instead of UI
3. closes the pane
Peter A. Shevtsov
Received on Mon Feb 11 2013 - 07:11:53 CET