Re: [dev] [dmenu] sorted unlimited history

From: Alexander Sedov <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2013 03:58:41 +0400

Chris, functionality that you demand could easily be provided by this
simple script.
Syntax is obvious and even described inside the script.

2013/3/12 Chris Johnson <>:
> I thought of the check for whether or not it exists when I was working on
> it, but I wasn't sure what all to check for. I only use it to run
> executable files so for my case it's easy, but I wasn't sure what all might
> get put in there. When I asked in the irc channel there was some mention of
> things other than files that would show up in the list, so I decided not to
> worry about the check and let the user prune bogus history items some other
> way. I think someone put together an example to do the pruning that was
> basically a one line bash script which could be run separately from dmenu
> itself.
> On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Peter Hartman <>
> wrote:
>> 2013/3/11 Chris Johnson <>:
>> > I created a patch to have sorted (first by number of previous runs, then
>> > by
>> > most recent) and unlimited history. It is similar to the patch from
>> > Peter
>> > John Hartman, but modified in the following ways:
>> Hi Chris,
>> That's neat. I moved to using a shell script wrapper to dmenu to do
>> history --- I believe those scripts are on the website --- but it
>> won't do the neat trick of moving things to the top based on how often
>> they are used. I'd advocate something like this get moved into dmenu
>> tip.
>> It'd also be nice (more generally, even without the history patch, but
>> especially with it) to have a check to verify that the file still
>> exists. For instance, I use the history feature on dmenu when I open
>> pdf files on my system, e.g. [1] where .dmenu_cache_pdfs is generated
>> via a cron script. But, of course, sometimes I will move or rename
>> pdf files around, and then the history file will be all dumb. It'd be
>> a one-line fix.
>> [1] pdf-opener
>> #!/bin/bash
>> HISTFILE=~/.dmenu_cache_pdfs.hist
>> CACHEFILE=~/.dmenu_cache_pdfs
>> exe=$(tac $HISTFILE $CACHEFILE | sed 's|^/home/peterjh/||'| dmenu -p
>> "*" -i -l 10)
>> echo "$exe"
>> case "$exe" in
>> o*) opt="okular"
>> exe=$(echo "$exe" | sed 's/^o //')
>> ;;
>> *) opt="mailcap"
>> ;;
>> esac
>> if [ ! -f "/home/peterjh/$exe" ] ; then
>> exit
>> fi
>> if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
>> exe="/home/peterjh/$exe"
>> sed -i "\|$exe|d" $HISTFILE
>> echo "$exe" >> $HISTFILE
>> case "$opt" in
>> okular)
>> okular "$exe" &
>> ;;
>> mailcap)
>> run-mailcap "$exe" &
>> ;;
>> esac
>> fi
>> --
>> sic dicit magister P
>> Université du Québec à Montréal / Loyola University Chicago
>> gpg 1024D/ED6EF59B (7D1A 522F D08E 30F6 FA42 B269 B860 352B ED6E F59B)
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