[dev] Re: [slcon] Call for Papers 2013

From: Christian Neukirchen <chneukirchen_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 17:34:21 +0100

Christoph Lohmann <20h_AT_r-36.net> writes:

> * Send the title and a description of what you will present to con_AT_MAILHOST
> until 2013-04-15.

I would like to give a talk called "runit & ignite - a suckless init
system?", but I'm asking whether there is interest first since I noticed
these projects in the suckless context yet.

runit is a reliable init system based on service supervision, and ignite
is a set of shell scripts to convert the init system of a well-known
Linux distribution starting with "A" to use runit. (No worries, the
concepts are generic enough to be applied on every Linux or *BSD

I think a 30min talk would be enough to present it, and I'd like to have
enough time for discussion later since this is a topic that is getting
increasingly relevant given the current introduction of systemd
everywhere. It's also interesting for the sta.li plans, I think.

I can hand in a paper and summary in the next two weeks.

Christian Neukirchen  <chneukirchen_AT_gmail.com>  http://chneukirchen.org
Received on Thu Mar 21 2013 - 17:34:21 CET

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