Re: [dev] [st] pasting to gvim sucks

From: Alexander Sedov <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 02:33:41 +0400

> Maybe pasting to st should be fixed too, so when newlines are pasted,
> they are translated to ^M. But '\n' should be copied, otherwise pasting
> to graphical programs is broken.
That's how urxvt does it and this is what my patch originally done
(sort of, translation was in ttywrite while in should've been in
selection notify or whatever is it called), but __20h__ applied it
that way. If someone would convince him, that would be great, because
making files with xclip -o is also terrible now.
Received on Fri Apr 12 2013 - 00:33:41 CEST

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