[dev] [dmenu][patch] Add mouse support

From: Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo_AT_codemadness.org>
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2013 14:28:48 +0200

Hi fellow suckless people!

The attached patch adds mouse support to dmenu.

Disclaimer: this patch isn't meant to be included for upstream dmenu
since I understand most people won't like mouse support for dmenu and
thats OK. Maybe someone might find this useful :)

Mouse actions supported:

Left-mouse click:
    * On prompt and input field: clear input text and selection.
    * In horizontal and vertical mode on item: select and output item
(same as pressing enter).
    * In horizontal mode on arrows: change items to show left or right.
Right-mouse click: close.
Middle-mouse click:
    * Paste current selection.
    * While holding shift: paste primary selection.
Scroll up:
    * In horizontal mode: same as left-clicking on left arrow.
    * In vertical mode: show items above.
Scroll down:
    * In horizontal mode: same as left-clicking on right arrow.
    * In vertical mode: show items below.

The attached patch applies cleanly to latest dmenu 4.5 tip

Kind regards,
Hiltjo Posthuma

Received on Sat Apr 13 2013 - 14:28:48 CEST

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