Christoph Lohmann dixit:
>Which applications do you use that handle double-width as you expect them?
mksh and jupp (though I don’t use st).
> Do these applications use the double-width for the layout?
It’s possible to use Unicode characters, halfwidth or fullwidth,
to draw nice boxen in either.
>If double-width characters would be drawn to fit the standard cell size of the
>terminal (drawing them in half the font size) would this suffice your need?
Absolutely not. You need to distinguish by wcwidth() on the first
character whether a given glyph (including the combining characters
following it) fits into a halfwidth character cell or into a fullwidth
character cell, which is exactly the width of two adjacent halfwidth
character cells.
Treating fullwidth as halfwidth, or the other way around, will not work.
>Naming the applications would be important so I can test st to their
Hrm, a shell and a text editor aren’t that good examples then…
and I don’t have any good mixed example textfiles at hand. Sorry.
But just this might be a PoC:
┌──┤ U+00A9 ├──────┐
│ │
│ ䷀䷀䷀䷀䷀ │
│ ䷀ ䷀ │
│ ䷀ ䷀䷀ ䷀ │
│ ䷀ ䷀ ䷀ │
│ ䷀ ䷀ ䷀ │
│ ䷀ ䷀䷀ ䷀ │
│ ䷀ ䷀ │
│ ䷀䷀䷀䷀䷀ │
I’m writing textfiles like that pretty often, and I use
the creative heaven and fullwidth space in my own font
editing tools (mksh script to convert between that and
BDF, while doing the actual editing in a text editor
and/or with ed and shell scripts).
FWIW, I'm quite impressed with mksh interactively. I thought it was much
*much* more bare bones. But it turns out it beats the living hell out of
ksh93 in that respect. I'd even consider it for my daily use if I hadn't
wasted half my life on my zsh setup. :-) -- Frank Terbeck in #!/bin/mksh
Received on Tue Apr 23 2013 - 10:31:04 CEST