[dev] packaging stuff

From: Maximilian Dietrich <dm_AT_archlinux.info>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2013 14:15:51 +0000

Greetings fellow comrades,
I would like to propose:
1. A tarball for xssstate. This would make packaging/porting it for
distributions easier and seems cleaner in general.

2. A new release of tabbed. I don't know if there are any big changes
planned for tabbed 0.5, but as there is no TODO file in the repo and the
last commit was some time ago, I assume this is not the case.
Currently you have to use the git version to run surf-open.sh and some
other useful changes have been made since the last release. A new
version would also make it possible for packagers to distribute
surf-open.sh together with surf.

Maximilian D.
Received on Mon May 06 2013 - 16:15:51 CEST

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