Re: [dev] IRC on Freenode

From: Thorsten Glaser <>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2013 22:11:44 +0000 (UTC)

Chris Down dixit:

>Gmail's web interface breaks nested quoting in plain text, unless they
>fixed it recently. It pushes lines off the edge, and causes the quoting

Oh ouch. I’ve not used it myself.

>to screw up, so the whole thing is just better avoided.

Indeed, this makes it even worse.

Dmitrij D. Czarkoff dixit:

>Thorsten Glaser said:
>> (The frontend needs not be graphical, of course.)

Erm… because graphical stuff sucks? Because I run all my stuff
in GNU screen (sure, in an uxterm, but that’s just to get the
font and Unicode support with enough glyphs)? Because there’s
precisely zero need for an IRC client to be graphical? Duh!

22:59⎜<Vutral> glaub ich termkit is kompliziert | glabe nicht das man
damit schneller arbeitet | reizüberflutung │ wie windows │ alles evil
zuviel bilder │ wie ein spiel | 23:00⎜<Vutral> die meisten raffen auch
nicht mehr von windows | 23:01⎜<Vutral> bilderbücher sind ja auch nich
wirklich verbreitet als erwachsenen literatur	‣ who needs GUIs thus?
Received on Sat Nov 02 2013 - 23:11:44 CET

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