Re: [dev] Possible improvement on slock - suid

From: sin <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:33:32 +0200

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 08:51:11AM +0100, patrick295767 patrick295767 wrote:
> In my opinion, the lock (slock) shall be remain very light based a
> very minimum of x11, in other words just on the x11 minimum of x11
> layer functions/libs....
> slock might be a minimal x11 lock, without any additional features. Is
> actually getpwuid() really needed? slock function might be to simply
> lock x11 in the most simple manner.
> Furthermore, the user can anytime pkill slock from another tty.

Have you actually looked at the code you complain about? It really
is not adding any complexity.

I'm pretty sure if the error message was something like 'Permission denied'
you'd have never looked at it. The thing is, the existing error message
is a lot more clear and to the point.

Given that you need to type in your password to unlock it, implies that
the proper checks should be in place in case it is unable to collect all
the information needed to verify it.

Received on Thu Nov 14 2013 - 11:33:32 CET

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