[dev] Mailinglists (was: [dwm] Conversion to XCB)

From: Alexander Huemer <alexander.huemer_AT_xx.vu>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 13:24:54 +0100

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 01:07:37PM +0100, Markus Wichmann wrote:
> archive of this list (which goes back maybe a year or so), and the
> official version of the archive has no search function, nor has any
> attempt at sending Google on that archive been successful. And since the
> archive only has index pages by month, I can't even get the entire
> message index, or even the message index per year and search via C-F.

This is a general problem of mailing lists and it annoys me too.
One has to remember that MLs are just a crippled substitute for a
newsgroup. Unfortunately the usenet as it once was used is dieing rather
quickly, which is not a good thing.
Mailman managed MLs often offer gzip'd archives on a per-month basis.
My way to deal with the problem is some shell scripting to fetch all the
archives and import them in my MUA, so that I am able to properly search
the history.
The suckless MLs unfortunately don't offer such a feature. I don't see a
possibility to fetch the raw mails in a standard format from the web
archive. Maybe there is some secret I don't know.

Kind regards,
Received on Tue Jan 21 2014 - 13:24:54 CET

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