[dev] ncurses or ...

From: Dimitris Zervas <dzervas_AT_dzervas.gr>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 01:35:46 +0200

 I was just thinking about my beloved vim. It's old. It's big. It (kind of)
 sucks. It's not suckless.
 So I just gave a scan to project ideas and sandy. You use (n)curses and I
 thought that it's as old, big, sucky and non-suckless as vim is.
 Shouldn't we create a new TUI library?
 Also, I used ncurses some years ago and it had all those windows and
 completely useless things (ok, windows may not be that useless...) that
 made it look like rocket science and the code looked just horrible.
 I am willing to do such a project but preferably not alone.
 However, I am in the middle of the final tests in high school (paneladikes)
 and my time is extremely limited.
Received on Fri Jan 31 2014 - 00:35:46 CET

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