On Thu, 1 May 2014 11:47:26 -0700
Charlie Kester <corky1951_AT_comcast.net> wrote:
> Now I need to get busy and scrub my scripts, getting rid of or rewriting
> anything that depends on GNUish cruft and other "improvements". (That's
> not a complaint about ubase or sbase, btw. I'm actually looking forward
> to this task.)
Improving the world, one step at a time ;).
If everybody just respected the standards and had common sense, we
would face much less problems in today's computing.
POSIX was heavensent and I wonder why we don't have something
comparable for graphical UIs (One API for X, Wayland-compositors (by
choice), ...), and I'm not talking about fancy compositing, but just
basic ways of building and integrating user interfaces.
What do you think?
FRIGN <dev_AT_frign.de>
Received on Thu May 01 2014 - 20:55:47 CEST