Re: [dev] C coded cross-platform youtube video viewer

From: Markus Wichmann <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 06:45:22 +0200

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 04:08:59PM +0200, Sylvain BERTRAND wrote:
> Hi,
> Unfortunately, libquvi on gentoo expects a system
> installed lua (with additional modules).
> I don't want this high level script language as a system
> dependency. I would prefer lua being packaged internally into
> libquvi. Coze I would like to quit gentoo one day and have my own
> suckless-ish distro, then better do the work now. I don't want
> system wide installed
> perl/python/ruby/php/lua/guile/javascript... (holy m****
> f*****!), I would rather try to have applications package their
> high level script language and don't try to f*** it up our
> "system" throat. (and tell the script kiddies: "no, you FOO
> script language is not installed, and won't be. Then package your
> bloody f****** kludge with your app")

Why would you do this? It's bloody idiotic, if you think about it. It
would be like having all C programs ship their own libc. Have you seen
how big perl is? Do you really want to have two perl installations just
because two different programs use it?

That, in my opinion was always the major benefit of Linux over Windows:
On Linux you have system wide package managers. That means each software
package can be as small as possible and only pull external dependencies.
On Windows, no such thing exists. If a program needs a lib, it has to
ship that lib. If you have 50 programs using that lib, on Linux you have
that lib once, on Windows you have it 50 times. Which way is better? And
scripting languages are not fundamentally different!

Received on Fri May 16 2014 - 06:45:22 CEST

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