i'm trying to switch from urxvt to st since st handles unicode fallback
fonts much better and i also like the lightweight and good code.
I use 256colors which works in st except ony strange issue comes up with
several programs.
If $TERM is set to st-256color and i start lynx or weechat-curses i have
no bold characters. If i go back to st it's working. But in w3m or just
with ls the bold is working in 256color mode.
It looks like the application is messing with bold in combination with
256color but is there a way to detect what's the problem or what the
programs are doing wrong?
Or is there a way to force this behaviour within st?
My font ist -*-gohufont-medium-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1 and there
is the valid bold version also available (as seen in non-256color mode).
OT: Did i understand the slides from your conference correctly, that st
won't be developed any further?
Andreas Herz
Received on Thu Jun 05 2014 - 16:22:03 CEST