Re: [dev] [grep-notify] A simple notifier when stdout prints a pattern

From: Amadeus Folego <>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 18:39:37 -0300

> Hi Markus, thank you very much for the tip! I like it, is very simple.
> However, it's suffering from the same problem I am having with
> grep-notify.
> The output of sic is being blocked from showing up, if I send :quit all
> the output is printed back and the program exits.
> sic -h -n badosu |\
> grep -v '< QUIT (\|< JOIN (\|< PART (\|< NICK (' |\
> sed 's|\([^(]badosu\)|\x7\1|'

Forget about it, the problem was with grep, for some reason having more
than one pipe is blocking stdout from printing.

Using only sic piped with sed works, but the bell has no effect as I am
on xmonad and it simply has no effect.
Received on Sat Jun 28 2014 - 23:39:37 CEST

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