>Great work! I found a couple of bugs, but they should be easy to fix.
Add a comment to be able to track them
>I think we could aim for maximum expectability while keeping the
>amount of code at a minimum: anyone using basic vi commands should
>feel mostly at home when using sandy.
>As a personal opinion, I'd rather not implement complex text
>operations that can be "piped out" (e.g. :s/foo/bar/, upper/lower
>case...) but other than that feel free to code away.
OK, I'll have it in mind.
>> So, here you go! :)
>> You can also get the latest commit from my repo
>(https://git.dzervas.gr, it won't crash :P)
>I have applied this after changing t_nocomm()'s name to t_ins(). I've
>also added your name to the LICENSE file.
Good catch, names are always a problem
>However, I tried pushing to git.suckless.org, but I can no longer
>login to my account (rafa_AT_suckless.org) with my SSH key. Sigh.
Could I have write access to sandy?
>Thanks for that. Let's try to make a decent simple vi-like editor and
>then start worrying about performance and whatnot.
I wait the day that I'll edit sandy with sandy :P
Received on Sun Jul 13 2014 - 14:40:52 CEST