[dev] sple - A simple PDF links/emails extracotr.

From: Hypsurus <hypsurus_AT_mail.ru>
Date: Mon, 04 May 2015 00:06:09 +0300

Hello to dev_AT_suckless,

i just started a new project: "sple - simple PDF links extractor"

the uses for sple:
1. to extract email addresses/links from a multiple PDF files

i working on the following features:
2. parse PDF documents Objects (Autohr/Date/Fonts/Images/)
3. extract images/fonts from the PDF file.

the goal is writing sple without any external library.

i would like to develop sple under suckless.org
how can i do it?

Source code for the project:


Received on Sun May 03 2015 - 23:06:09 CEST

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