[dev] [st] Updated scrollback patch

From: Martin Kopta <martin_AT_kopta.eu>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 09:15:59 +0200

Updated scrollback patch bellow. Applies against latest master (d032b61).
Cannot clone wiki (timeout). If someone is able to, please update. Thanks.
Should I update the patch for 0.6 too?

diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index e246e3c..ffabf3d 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
_AT_@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 static char font[] = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=false:autohint=false";
 static int borderpx = 2;
+static int histsize = 2000;
 static char shell[] = "/bin/sh";
 static char *utmp = NULL;
 static char stty_args[] = "stty raw -echo -iexten echonl";
_AT_@ -128,6 +129,8 @@ static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
         { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} },
         { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} },
         { MODKEY, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} },
+ { ShiftMask, XK_Page_Up, kscrollup, {.i = -1} },
+ { ShiftMask, XK_Page_Down, kscrolldown, {.i = -1} },
diff --git a/st.c b/st.c
index 64e2cec..9cc71c3 100644
--- a/st.c
+++ b/st.c
_AT_@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ char *argv0;
 #define TRUERED(x) (((x) & 0xff0000) >> 8)
 #define TRUEGREEN(x) (((x) & 0xff00))
 #define TRUEBLUE(x) (((x) & 0xff) << 8)
+#define TLINE(y) ((y) < term.scr ? term.hist[((y) + term.histi - term.scr \
+ + histsize + 1) % histsize] : term.line[(y) - term.scr])
 enum glyph_attribute {
_AT_@ -232,7 +234,10 @@ typedef struct {
         int col; /* nb col */
         Line *line; /* screen */
         Line *alt; /* alternate screen */
- int *dirty; /* dirtyness of lines */
+ Line *hist; /* history buffer */
+ int histi; /* history index */
+ int scr; /* scroll back */
+ int *dirty; /* dirtyness of lines */
         XftGlyphFontSpec *specbuf; /* font spec buffer used for rendering */
         TCursor c; /* cursor */
         int top; /* top scroll limit */
_AT_@ -325,6 +330,8 @@ typedef struct {
 /* function definitions used in config.h */
 static void clipcopy(const Arg *);
 static void clippaste(const Arg *);
+static void kscrolldown(const Arg *);
+static void kscrollup(const Arg *);
 static void numlock(const Arg *);
 static void selpaste(const Arg *);
 static void xzoom(const Arg *);
_AT_@ -396,8 +403,8 @@ static void tputtab(int);
 static void tputc(Rune);
 static void treset(void);
 static void tresize(int, int);
-static void tscrollup(int, int);
-static void tscrolldown(int, int);
+static void tscrollup(int, int, int);
+static void tscrolldown(int, int, int);
 static void tsetattr(int *, int);
 static void tsetchar(Rune, Glyph *, int, int);
 static void tsetscroll(int, int);
_AT_@ -726,10 +733,10 @@ tlinelen(int y)
         int i = term.col;
- if (term.line[y][i - 1].mode & ATTR_WRAP)
+ if (TLINE(y)[i - 1].mode & ATTR_WRAP)
                 return i;
- while (i > 0 && term.line[y][i - 1].u == ' ')
+ while (i > 0 && TLINE(y)[i - 1].u == ' ')
         return i;
_AT_@ -791,7 +798,7 @@ selsnap(int *x, int *y, int direction)
                  * Snap around if the word wraps around at the end or
                  * beginning of a line.
- prevgp = &term.line[*y][*x];
+ prevgp = &TLINE(*y)[*x];
                 prevdelim = ISDELIM(prevgp->u);
                 for (;;) {
                         newx = *x + direction;
_AT_@ -806,14 +813,14 @@ selsnap(int *x, int *y, int direction)
                                         yt = *y, xt = *x;
                                         yt = newy, xt = newx;
- if (!(term.line[yt][xt].mode & ATTR_WRAP))
+ if (!(TLINE(yt)[xt].mode & ATTR_WRAP))
                         if (newx >= tlinelen(newy))
- gp = &term.line[newy][newx];
+ gp = &TLINE(newy)[newx];
                         delim = ISDELIM(gp->u);
                         if (!(gp->mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) && (delim != prevdelim
                                         || (delim && gp->u != prevgp->u)))
_AT_@ -834,14 +841,14 @@ selsnap(int *x, int *y, int direction)
                 *x = (direction < 0) ? 0 : term.col - 1;
                 if (direction < 0) {
                         for (; *y > 0; *y += direction) {
- if (!(term.line[*y-1][term.col-1].mode
+ if (!(TLINE(*y-1)[term.col-1].mode
                                                 & ATTR_WRAP)) {
                 } else if (direction > 0) {
                         for (; *y < term.row-1; *y += direction) {
- if (!(term.line[*y][term.col-1].mode
+ if (!(TLINE(*y)[term.col-1].mode
                                                 & ATTR_WRAP)) {
_AT_@ -1004,13 +1011,13 @@ getsel(void)
                 linelen = tlinelen(y);
                 if (sel.type == SEL_RECTANGULAR) {
- gp = &term.line[y][sel.nb.x];
+ gp = &TLINE(y)[sel.nb.x];
                         lastx = sel.ne.x;
                 } else {
- gp = &term.line[y][sel.nb.y == y ? sel.nb.x : 0];
+ gp = &TLINE(y)[sel.nb.y == y ? sel.nb.x : 0];
                         lastx = (sel.ne.y == y) ? sel.ne.x : term.col-1;
- last = &term.line[y][MIN(lastx, linelen-1)];
+ last = &TLINE(y)[MIN(lastx, linelen-1)];
                 while (last >= gp && last->u == ' ')
_AT_@ -1484,6 +1491,8 @@ ttyread(void)
         /* keep any uncomplete utf8 char for the next call */
         memmove(buf, ptr, buflen);
+ if (term.scr > 0 && term.scr < histsize-1)
+ term.scr++;
_AT_@ -1492,6 +1501,9 @@ ttywrite(const char *s, size_t n)
         fd_set wfd;
         struct timespec tv;
         ssize_t r;
+ Arg arg = (Arg){ .i = term.scr };
+ kscrolldown(&arg);
          * Remember that we are using a pty, which might be a modem line.
_AT_@ -1682,13 +1694,51 @@ tswapscreen(void)
-tscrolldown(int orig, int n)
+kscrolldown(const Arg* a) {
+ int n = a->i;
+ if (n < 0)
+ n = term.row + n;
+ if (n > term.scr)
+ n = term.scr;
+ if (term.scr > 0) {
+ term.scr -= n;
+ selscroll(0, -n);
+ tfulldirt();
+ }
+kscrollup(const Arg* a) {
+ int n = a->i;
+ if (n < 0)
+ n = term.row + n;
+ if (term.scr <= histsize - n) {
+ term.scr += n;
+ selscroll(0, n);
+ tfulldirt();
+ }
+tscrolldown(int orig, int n, int copyhist)
         int i;
         Line temp;
         LIMIT(n, 0, term.bot-orig+1);
+ if (copyhist) {
+ term.histi = (term.histi - 1 + histsize) % histsize;
+ temp = term.hist[term.histi];
+ term.hist[term.histi] = term.line[term.bot];
+ term.line[term.bot] = temp;
+ }
         tsetdirt(orig, term.bot-n);
         tclearregion(0, term.bot-n+1, term.col-1, term.bot);
_AT_@ -1702,13 +1752,20 @@ tscrolldown(int orig, int n)
-tscrollup(int orig, int n)
+tscrollup(int orig, int n, int copyhist)
         int i;
         Line temp;
         LIMIT(n, 0, term.bot-orig+1);
+ if (copyhist) {
+ term.histi = (term.histi + 1) % histsize;
+ temp = term.hist[term.histi];
+ term.hist[term.histi] = term.line[orig];
+ term.line[orig] = temp;
+ }
         tclearregion(0, orig, term.col-1, orig+n-1);
         tsetdirt(orig+n, term.bot);
_AT_@ -1757,7 +1814,7 @@ tnewline(int first_col)
         int y = term.c.y;
         if (y == term.bot) {
- tscrollup(term.top, 1);
+ tscrollup(term.top, 1, 1);
         } else {
_AT_@ -1922,14 +1979,14 @@ void
 tinsertblankline(int n)
         if (BETWEEN(term.c.y, term.top, term.bot))
- tscrolldown(term.c.y, n);
+ tscrolldown(term.c.y, n, 0);
 tdeleteline(int n)
         if (BETWEEN(term.c.y, term.top, term.bot))
- tscrollup(term.c.y, n);
+ tscrollup(term.c.y, n, 0);
_AT_@ -2363,11 +2420,11 @@ csihandle(void)
         case 'S': /* SU -- Scroll <n> line up */
                 DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1);
- tscrollup(term.top, csiescseq.arg[0]);
+ tscrollup(term.top, csiescseq.arg[0], 0);
         case 'T': /* SD -- Scroll <n> line down */
                 DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1);
- tscrolldown(term.top, csiescseq.arg[0]);
+ tscrolldown(term.top, csiescseq.arg[0], 0);
         case 'L': /* IL -- Insert <n> blank lines */
                 DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1);
_AT_@ -2837,7 +2894,7 @@ eschandle(uchar ascii)
                 return 0;
         case 'D': /* IND -- Linefeed */
                 if (term.c.y == term.bot) {
- tscrollup(term.top, 1);
+ tscrollup(term.top, 1, 1);
                 } else {
                         tmoveto(term.c.x, term.c.y+1);
_AT_@ -2850,7 +2907,7 @@ eschandle(uchar ascii)
         case 'M': /* RI -- Reverse index */
                 if (term.c.y == term.top) {
- tscrolldown(term.top, 1);
+ tscrolldown(term.top, 1, 1);
                 } else {
                         tmoveto(term.c.x, term.c.y-1);
_AT_@ -3013,7 +3070,7 @@ tputc(Rune u)
 tresize(int col, int row)
- int i;
+ int i, j;
         int minrow = MIN(row, term.row);
         int mincol = MIN(col, term.col);
         int *bp;
_AT_@ -3050,9 +3107,19 @@ tresize(int col, int row)
         /* resize to new height */
         term.line = xrealloc(term.line, row * sizeof(Line));
         term.alt = xrealloc(term.alt, row * sizeof(Line));
+ term.hist = xrealloc(term.hist, histsize * sizeof(Line));
+ term.hist = xrealloc(term.hist, histsize * sizeof(Line));
         term.dirty = xrealloc(term.dirty, row * sizeof(*term.dirty));
         term.tabs = xrealloc(term.tabs, col * sizeof(*term.tabs));
+ for (i = 0; i < histsize; i++) {
+ term.hist[i] = xrealloc(term.hist[i], col * sizeof(Glyph));
+ for (j = mincol; j < col; j++) {
+ term.hist[i][j] = term.c.attr;
+ term.hist[i][j].u = ' ';
+ }
+ }
         /* resize each row to new width, zero-pad if needed */
         for (i = 0; i < minrow; i++) {
                 term.line[i] = xrealloc(term.line[i], col * sizeof(Glyph));
_AT_@ -3912,11 +3979,11 @@ drawregion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
                 term.dirty[y] = 0;
                 specs = term.specbuf;
- numspecs = xmakeglyphfontspecs(specs, &term.line[y][x1], x2 - x1, x1, y);
+ numspecs = xmakeglyphfontspecs(specs, &TLINE(y)[x1], x2 - x1, x1, y);
                 i = ox = 0;
                 for (x = x1; x < x2 && i < numspecs; x++) {
- new = term.line[y][x];
+ new = TLINE(y)[x];
                         if (new.mode == ATTR_WDUMMY)
                         if (ena_sel && selected(x, y))
_AT_@ -3936,7 +4003,8 @@ drawregion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
                 if (i > 0)
                         xdrawglyphfontspecs(specs, base, i, ox, y);
- xdrawcursor();
+ if (term.scr == 0)
+ xdrawcursor();
Received on Fri Jul 17 2015 - 09:15:59 CEST

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