On Sun, 30 Aug 2015 21:19:09 +0800
Pickfire <pickfire_AT_riseup.net> wrote:
Hey Pickfire,
> For ISO 2022 locking escapes:
> me_AT_alarmpi ~> echo -e "\033(0"
> me_AT_alarmpi ~>
> St does this:
> me_AT_alarmpi ~> echo -e "\033(0"
> ␋┴▒┼_AT_▒┌▒⎼└⎻␋ ·>
It's not a locking escape. "ESC ( 0" switches your character
set to VT100 Special Graphics (see [0]).
Of course, if a given terminal like mosh doesn't have the
translation-tables, nothing gets "messed" up.
> For Evil escape sequences:
> me_AT_alarmpi ~> echo -e "xyz\033[2;2H\0314\0202\nhello"
> xŷz
> hello
> me_AT_alarmpi ~>
> St does this:
> me_AT_alarmpi ~> echo -e "xyz\033[2;2H\0314\0202\nhello"
> x̂z
> hello
> me_AT_alarmpi ~>
This goes beyond my knowledge of escape sequences. Can
anybody track down the issue here?
FRIGN <dev_AT_frign.de>
Received on Mon Aug 31 2015 - 11:30:54 CEST