On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Greg Reagle <greg.reagle_AT_umbc.edu> wrote:
> On 11/13/2015 11:45 AM, Alex Pilon wrote:
>> xxd's provided by vim. As convenient as it is, should a "suckless hex
>> editor" really depend on that? It should be the user's choice or not to
>> install vim, regardless of anybody's feeling's on this list *either* way.
> Is there another tool that can do a reverse dump?
> Command od of sbase is halfway there--it can dump (od -Ax -tx1). If it were
> enhanced to reverse dump, we could use it.
> On the other hand, it kind of sucks to reinvent the wheel. Combining
> already existing tools sucks less, and xxd already exists.
tr, bc & awk?
Received on Fri Nov 13 2015 - 18:17:23 CET