Re: [dev] [sent] 0.1 release

From: <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 12:50:10 +0100 (CET)

> Quentin Rameau <> hat am 19. November 2015 um 12:02
> geschrieben:
> > > I propose some masochist makes a little sent -> html convertor
> > > (with a light sprinkling of javascript to advance to the next slide
> > > with one keypress). It wouldn't be hard, but it also wouldn't be
> > > very satisfying. But it would be useful.
> >
> > Good idea in my opinion. sent2html sounds like some reasonable
> > fallback.
> Really?! Let's use the web for… Anything.

Why not? It is about transfering simple text and images. If you put links on
top, that sounds like exactly what this whole web thing is meant for. Everyone
has that huge monstrosity of web rendering engine installed anyway so it is a
reasonable fallback.

> What about converting and displaying simple images?

Of course we can also blow the thing up by rendering FullHD or even better 4K
imagery, put them into a tarball, wait two hours for the transfer via Wifi.

> Or maybe that was sarcasm that I didn't catch.

Norman Köhring
Web Engineer
Received on Thu Nov 19 2015 - 12:50:10 CET

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