Re: [dev] [bug] slock gets red before submitting pass

From: Markus Teich <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 17:13:23 +0100

Brad Luther wrote:
> If you're typing your password and gets a char wrong, you go and delete the
> char, then continue to type the pass and 'enter' to unlock the screen. All
> good, screen is blue all the time. Unless... you get the first char wrong. If
> you mistype the first char of your password and 'backspace' to delete it, the
> screen goes red even though you didn't 'enter' the wrong password.

Heyho Brad,

I cannot reproduce the described behaviour. Are you using git HEAD? Can you
try to debug it yourself?

Received on Wed Jan 27 2016 - 17:13:23 CET

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