[dev] Re: Quick and dirty statistics tool for the UNIX pipeline

From: Christian Neukirchen <chneukirchen_AT_gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 16:11:51 +0100

Marc Collin <marc.collin7_AT_gmail.com> writes:

> Who ever had to deal with R and other complex tools to do some statistical work?
> I found an interesting alternative that appears to be 'suckless' to me.
> qstats.
> I'm sending this email to the author too so we can discuss his project
> with the suckless community.
> What I miss the most are confidence intervals, and Tony once commented on that:
>>Implement confidence intervals
>>Try not to have to use the GSL for t-distribution quartiles since
>> then I would have to >GPL the code. Is there a better way to find
>> the quartiles of the t-distribution without >adding dependencies?
> The project seems to be on its infancy, but I like the idea.
> What does everyone think?

Also see https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ministat

Christian Neukirchen  <chneukirchen_AT_gmail.com>  http://chneukirchen.org
Received on Fri Jan 29 2016 - 16:11:51 CET

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