I'm pleased to announce a new version of abduco which features
a few important bug fixes:
with sha1sum
5dc3eaaa8d6ea54e22378468652dc9b4bb759641 abduco-0.6.tar.gz
Changes include:
* properly handle EOF when reading from underlying application.
At least on Mac OS X with certain applications this would
previously prevent abduco from terminating and cause excessive
CPU usage.
* no longer set sticky bit on socket as this is not really
portable and caused more problems than it solved.
This should fix session creation on *BSD.
* ignore redraw key if set to \0 (which is the default value)
Avoids an annoying key binding conflict for Emacs users.
* more portable testsuite.sh script
* fixed manual page markup
Marc André Tanner >< http://www.brain-dump.org/ >< GPG key: 10C93617
Received on Thu Mar 24 2016 - 15:46:32 CET