Re: [dev] [dwm] under NetBSD

From: Mitt Green <>
Date: Wed, 04 May 2016 16:20:42 +0300

‎Dimitris Papastamos wrote:


This is helpful, though I still can't solve the problem.
I've tried putting "-Wl, -R/usr/X11R7/lib" in CFLAGS
and got the same error. Putting it in LDFLAGS
causes ld to complain‎ about not being able to find "file or

LD_LIBRARY_PATH solves it, however every time
I run make I have to redo it. So, the method
is not preferred. I suppose, I am missing something
with "-Wl, -R".

To Leonardo Taccari:
I have a special folder for suckless in my home,
also I like to switch themes regularly, using
config.h templates‎ for the software.

Received on Wed May 04 2016 - 15:20:42 CEST

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