[dev] [st] [patch] clipboard properties burn after reading

From: v4hn <me_AT_v4hn.de>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 13:32:06 +0200

Hey everyone,

I use synergy (for input device sharing) on a daily basis
and experienced this rather annoying bug in combination with st:

Whenever I paste something from another machine to st,
pasting succeeded only the first time. After about a year
of being annoyed by this bug (it's just too easy to work around it),
I finally digged into the issue today and eventually discovered that st
does not delete its CLIPBOARD and PRIMARY properties after pasting
the copied data. I don't know of any other x client that
cares about this, but synergy waits for st to clear the property
before sending the new selection data.

As ICCCM specifies that the client should delete the property
after handling the request, I adjusted st's behavior. Patch attached.
I have no idea why Christoph originally added the additional condition
there. The only two event types that get through to this code
are PropertyNotify and SelectionNotify and for both of them property
should be deleted.


Received on Thu May 19 2016 - 13:32:06 CEST

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