[dev] [dmenu] problem with parameters

From: Tobias Girstmair <tobi_AT_isticktoit.net>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2017 20:20:22 +0100

Hi, I'm new!

I am using dmenu with i3wm and since the upgrade from Fedora 24 to 25 I
have problems with dmenu, if I try to run a program with parameters.

Consider this situation:
I have a script called `jj` (own creation) and an executable `jjs` (Java
Nashhorn) in my path. `jj` takes a single character argument, e.g. `s` for

When I run `jj s`, it gets interpreted as `jjs`. I have confirmed this
by running `bash -c 'jj s'`, which works, and by running `dmenu_run`,
which returns `jjs>` (the Nashhorn cli).

I've encountered this problem since I upgraded to Fedora 25 last week,
and according to `dmenu -v`, i'm running 4.6.
Received on Thu Feb 02 2017 - 20:20:22 CET

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