Re: [dev] Surf update

From: Lumidify Productions <>
Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 12:57:30 +0200

On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 10:25:55AM +0000, wrote:
> - harfbuzz, the _only_ unicode layout engine which has an interface changing
> all the time, and a brain damaged implementation. I did a C partial port
> from c++, and I can tell you about it is that the guys behind this code are
> trash. All GFX toolkits are dependent on it, all web engines are dependent on
> it, that for unicode layout computation.

Hi, I just wanted to mention that there _is_ another layout engine,
graphite (,, but
there is a different mentality behind it (all the layout data is included
in the font itself), and it also is C++.

Lumidify Productions
Received on Sat May 27 2017 - 12:57:30 CEST

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