[This is the only mblaze announcement mail that will be sent to lists
other than mblaze_AT_googlegroups.com, I hope it is interesting to you.]
I'm happy to announce the initial release of "mblaze", a Unix command line
mail client system in the spirit of RAND MH, but developed from scratch
and focused on Maildir. It's been under active development for almost
a year, and I have been toying with the idea since 2010.
mblaze features:
* small, portable, and efficient C code base (and a bit of sh)
* only dependency is iconv(3)
* UTF-8 enabled
* first-class Maildir support
* good MIME support for reading and composition
* good threading support
* plain MUA, not limiting your choice of MTA and MDA
* flexible and composable tools, with sensible defaults
* useful for scripting and ad-hoc usage, even if you prefer another MUA else
* Public Domain (CC0) with tiny bits of external MIT-licensed code
Partial support (in contrib/) exists for:
* NNTP fetching and posting
* Elementary GPG support (sign, encrypt, decrypt, verify)
* vi-style TUI interface
mblaze consists of these Unix tools that each do one job:
maddr(1) to extract addresses from mail
magrep(1) to find mails matching a pattern
mcom(1) to write and send mail
mdeliver(1) to deliver messages or import mailboxes
mdirs(1) to find Maildir
mexport(1) to export mailboxes
mflag(1) to change flags (marks) of mail
mfwd(1) to forward mail
mgenmid(1) to generate Message-IDs
mhdr(1) to extract mail headers
minc(1) to incorporate new mail
mless(1) to conveniently read mail in less(1)
mlist(1) to list and filter mail messages
mmime(1) to create MIME messages
mmkdir(1) to create new Maildir
mpick(1) to filter mail
mrep(1) to reply to mail
mscan(1) to generate single line summaries of mail
msed(1) to manipulate mail headers
mseq(1) to manipulate mail sequences
mshow(1) to render mail and extract attachments
msort(1) to sort mail
mthread(1) to arrange mail into discussions
Please note that mblaze is still quite new and while the code has been
tested on substantial piles of real-world mail, I'm sure there still
are kinks here and there. It probably won't eat your mail.
Please report issues you find.
You can find mblaze source at
and release tarballs on
Releases are also signed with signify(1) using
http://chneukirchen.org/releases/mblaze.pub namely:
There is a mailing list available at mblaze_AT_googlegroups.com
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mblaze), and an IRC channel
#vuxu on irc.freenode.net.
Leah Neukirchen <leah_AT_vuxu.org> http://leah.zone
fbed88c4bcddb255e9f5016923de341a2e21ebcae6add1fce9fff18f7e9024fc mblaze-0.1.tar.gz
1e60fae36cfd8b4f6fe1f7b7de5052acda804a61e438ca862189429b960f7047 mblaze-0.1.tar.gz.asc
67ff86b876b652ac0c8f7edaee7148c006ecf54c0d9caaef0e3f5333904a23a7 mblaze-0.1.tar.gz.sig
Received on Sat Jun 24 2017 - 16:09:14 CEST