Re: [dev] [st] Emojis

From: Stefan Hagen <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2017 19:46:17 +0200

Hi Janne,

* Janne Heß wrote:
>I just wanted to ask if anyone has managed to properly display emojis in st.
>I know this is potentially sucky feature, but I read my mail in mutt and
>some companies think it's a good idea to put emojis into their subjects.
>Currently, it looks like the emojis consisting of 2 characters escape
>the character grid. I'm not sure if this is a bug or just a
>not-implemented feature.
>Is there anybody here who has experience with displaying such characters
>in st?

I'm doing exactly this. This is mutt in st (top) and termite (bottom).

Are you sure the font you're using supports these characters?

Best Regards,
Received on Sun Sep 17 2017 - 19:46:17 CEST

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