[dev] [dwm] closing focused master window may move focus (unexpectedly) to stacked window

From: hp.g <hp.g_AT_bluewin.ch>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2018 09:52:38 +0100


I have 3 windows open (1 on the left as master, 2 on the right, vertically arranged as stacked window)
like so:

|A |B |
| ----
| |C |

I then do the following:
1. I focus C, then A (without windows rearrangement)
2. I close A
   --> then B will get master
   --> However, the focus will be on C, i.e. on a stacked window

I would expect the have to focus on B (now master), after I've closed the focused A (previous master)

This seems to be the case because before A, C was focused (and not B).
If B is in focus before I move the focus to A and close it, then B will be focused after closing A - as I would expect.

Not sure, whether this observed behavior is intended or whether it is a bug;
anyway it irritates (at least) me greatly, because I would expect:
- if the focus is on master and I close that master then
- the new master should have the focus in any case

What do you think?

Received on Tue Mar 13 2018 - 09:52:38 CET

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