[dev] [ii] message splitting

From: Aaron Burrow <burrows_AT_charstarstar.com>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 04:24:53 -0700

This ii behavior is surprising.

user$ ruby -e "puts 'A'*512+'B'*20" > server/channel/in

user$ tail -f server/channel/out
1533032971 -!- nick(~nick_AT_1.2.3.4) has joined #channel

Consider this,
user$ ruby -e "puts '/privmsg #myfriend789 That party was great...' + 'A'*467+'/l ipstickgirl gave really great -- omg everyone is totally reading this'" > server/channel/in

[07:07] == nick [~nick_AT_1.2.3.4] has left #channel ["ipstickgirl gave really great -- omg everyone is totally reading this"]

The relevant function is read_line

static int
read_line(int fd, char *buf, size_t bufsiz)
        size_t i = 0;
        char c = '\0';

        do {
                if (read(fd, &c, sizeof(char)) != sizeof(char))
                        return -1;
                buf[i++] = c;
        } while (c != '\n' && i < bufsiz);
        buf[i - 1] = '\0'; /* eliminates '\n' */
        return 0;

One idea is to use a large buffer with size IRC_MSG_MAX*5 then terminate the program if read_line fails to find a linefeed. Later in proc_channels_input we can decide not to send the message if it's larger than IRC_MSG_MAX.

The obvious but complex option is too add buffering.

Received on Tue Jul 31 2018 - 13:24:53 CEST

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