[dev] noice and NetBSD curses

From: Cág <ca6c_AT_bitmessage.ch>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 16:35:30 -0500


The thread is here[0], and I guess this is more of curses problem, but
since I first noticed it with noice, here it is.

The question: what do rover and noice do differently, that the former
displays Unicode filenames right, and the latter only under the LC_ALL=C

P.S. 2f30 guise please make your site bright as it was. My eyes broke,
am deaf now thenks

[0]: http://mail-index.netbsd.org/netbsd-users/2018/07/31/msg021180.html

Received on Tue Jul 31 2018 - 23:35:30 CEST

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