Re: [dev] switching to rc: filename expansion ?

From: Teodoro Santoni <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2019 22:04:11 +0000

Hi marc!

2019-11-25 21:23 GMT, Marc Chantreux <>:
> hello people,
> some of the things i really enjoy in zsh comes from rc
> (setopt rcquotes, the ^ expansion, the alternative syntax
> for constrol structures that are close to rc, ...) but
> both the codebase and the binary are very large.
> i'm experimenting replacing zsh by rc when the rc
> counterpart is good enough. but it seems i reach the
> limits of rc very soon. example
> in an mkfile, i can write things like that
> PUBLIC = `{ echo *.md }
> PAGES = ${}
> in zsh, i can write
> ls *.md
> set -- *.md(:r) # (:r) will remove the tailing .md
> pages=( pub/$^_AT_.html )
> print -l $pages
> as a result, i get
> l'
> this
> pub/l'autre.html
> pub/this is.html
> there is nothing like the ':' modifiers or ${}
> alike expansions in rc so i try to figure out what
> would be an idiomatic way to do that in rc.
> i tried
> pages=(`{ ls *.md | sed 's/md$/html/; s/md''/html''/' })
> echo pub/^$pages
> which gives me
> pub/l'autre.html pub/this pub/is.html
> close ... but wrong :) i can add klugdes around it but i
> feel i missed something. Any advice when it comes to applying
> a transformation to a list with rc?
> regards
> marc

I forgot, then remembered this old trick from the Rc paper, by Tom Duff [1]:

[dank_AT_meme ~]$ rc
% cd /tmp
% pwd
% mkdir pub
% cd pub
% touch 'l'''
% touch 'this'
% cd ..
% mv pub/*md .
% pages=`{ls *.md | sed 's/\.md$/.html/g'}
% echo pub/^$pages
pub/l'autre.html pub/this pub/is.html
% printf 'pub/%s ' $pages
pub/l'autre.html pub/this pub/is.html %
% printf 'pub/%s ' $"pages
pub/l'autre.html this is.html %
% echo $pages(1)
% echo $pages(2)
% # ah yep, i'm dump
% # dumb*
% ifs='
% pages=`{ls *.md | sed 's/\.md$/.html/g'}
% echo pub/^$pages
pub/l'autre.html pub/this is.html

Simply set ifs to the newline during the expansion of your files and
you're done.

Received on Mon Nov 25 2019 - 23:04:11 CET

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