Dear suckless dev list,
Is it possible to display both Joypixels
emojis and mutt “thread lines” in st(1) at
the same time by configuring fontconfig?
E.g. in mutt, when having a thread like this:
L 20-06-11 10:56 Nikita Zlobin (3.6K) [hackers] [tabbed][PATCH] Use PWD xprop to set workdir for spawned clients
L 20-06-11 22:14 Hiltjo Posthu (4.0K) └─>
L 20-06-12 09:32 Nikita Zlobin (4.8K) └─>
the “─” symbol disappears when defining
JoyPixels as a sans-serif option in
a local fontconfig (~/.fonts.conf) after
DejaVu Sans:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM 'fonts.dtd'>
<family>DejaVu Sans</family>
but the symbol is invisible, appearing again
like a ghost when copying it into vim in
another st ...
This is more of a st problem than a
fontconfig problem, right?
Received on Fri Jun 12 2020 - 15:40:07 CEST