Hi Sergey,
You might have overlooked, that jdebp not only did a documentation of
redo, but also provides a C++ implementation:
Best Regards,
On 12/17/20 7:44 PM, Sergey Matveev wrote:
> Greetings!
> I see that redo subject was already there before:
> https://lists.suckless.org/dev/1207/11916.html
> but much time passed since that discussion!
> That year I tried redo and it was really life-changing. And no, Plan9 mk
> is not full-fledged replacement for (POSIX/BSD/whatever) Make, that
> solves all issues DJB noted. But redo leaves no place for mk too.
> Uriel wrote that it could be worth looking at until it will be written
> on C or Go. Now there are pure C https://github.com/leahneukirchen/redo-c
> and pure Go http://www.goredo.cypherpunks.ru/ implementations, not
> taking in advance various pure POSIX shell implementations.
> goredo was written as a replacement to Python apenwarr/redo's
> https://redo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ already mentioned in that
> maillist before, because of performance, reliability (fsyncs) and
> simplicity reasons (no SQLite3 database, just plaintext recfiles) with
> nearly all convenient features apenwarr's implementation has.
> I love suckless principles, and support them in most of my software --
> redo is clearly without any doubts for me is in the suckless category
> with its genuine simplicity, flexibility and power, deserving to "rock".
> And some links just for reminding:
> https://fzakaria.com/2020/06/08/my-love-letter-to-redo.html
> https://apenwarr.ca/log/20101214
> https://redo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
> http://jdebp.eu/FGA/introduction-to-redo.html
> And for russian speaking people my hailing article to redo:
> https://m.habr.com/ru/post/517490/ with short full redo description and
> comparison: http://www.stargrave.org/redo-proscons.html
Received on Sat Dec 19 2020 - 21:43:49 CET