Re: [dev] Checksums and Sig files for release gzip

From: Sergey Matveev <>
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2021 21:58:56 +0300

*** Markus Wichmann [2021-04-13 20:17]:
>Y'know, while we're bikeshedding, why not just use SHA-3?

Answer is:
and answer for that:
SHA3 is good, but "offers no compelling advantage over SHA2 and brings
many costs". SHA2 is not so bad. Personally I tend to use neither SHA2,
nor SHA3, but BLAKE2b (in 64-bit CPUs it is even faster than MD5, with
huge security margin), or Skein. KangarooTwelve (reduced-round
parallelized SHA3) will outperform all of them, but BLAKE3 beats it. And
SHA512 is preferable SHA256, mostly because it is faster in 64-bit CPUs.

Sergey Matveev (
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