Greg Minshall <> wrote:
> Michael,
> > You might like se[1]. It's a screen-oriented version of ed. It can be
> > helpful for certain editing tasks where visual feedback is wanted.
> > ...
> > 1:
> very nice. thanks for the pointer!
> cheers, Greg
I've heard of se before, however was never able to build it. Such a shame
that a small project like this (5K loc) uses auto* hell configure and make
for no reason.
If anybody wants to go and fix the build let me know of your fork or patch
as I want to try it, out of curiosity. It's unlikely that it will replace
nextvi for me but still, I am open to explore new ideas.
Kind Regards,
Received on Sun Feb 13 2022 - 12:51:29 CET