Re: [dev] Logical abilities of routers

From: <>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2023 14:31:03 -0400

I don't really know shit, but last time I educated myself a little about the
topic (and forgot most of it, R.I.P. piece of knowledge),

pretty much that's it I guess.. routers route traffic incoming say from a
modem and the port is important, because I guess that's how the router
what computer the data packet goes to..

Each computer has it's MAC address (which can be fooled, of course), and
it is
assigned an local IP address, say, which expires I believe, so to
not run out of IP addresses to give, I believe that this is called DCHP,

and when I asked around how I can connect computers together (say for SSH
without a router, say just trough a switch, I got a "you need a DHCP server"
(and OpenBSD comes with one, yay), and after finding out that after
ssh-ing and
plugging out my router connection - my SSH connection is alive and well after
being established, this further prooved my understanding of it (which is
probably easier if you have time and health and patience to read manuals and
wikipedia a little)

This sounds very simple, of course, but commerical routers usually come with
lots more, havin not only wired communcation handling but also wireless
then there's NAT, port forwarding, port triggering, and other features that
routers are, which might not be required, but are there to please a wider
of customers, be them normies or tech-savy users.

In theory it shouldn't be too complicated, but I guess there ought to be
security measures as well?

And if working with WiFi, I guess it also has to handle some sort of

I also heard that router chips are ASIC arm ones?

Don't trust anything I just wrote, verify it.. I believe it's the truth,
but I
might be wrong..
I am barely a dev, 0 successful/finished projects (mostly due to health
reasons now :( )
Received on Sun Apr 30 2023 - 20:31:03 CEST

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