Re: [dev] [dwm] swallow without patching dwm -- or losing focus

From: Santtu Lakkala <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2023 13:23:43 +0300

On 26.5.2023 9.19, NRK wrote:> `system` is a function that should never
be used unless the person is
> aware of all the shell shenanigans that can bite back. The above is an
> extreme example, but *any* character that has special meaning to shell
> can cause problems.
> You should instead look into exec and/or posix_spawn functions before
> going any further.

Yes, this, system() is most of the time both the wrong way and the hard
way. Created a PR[0] to demonstrate how to use posix_spawnp() instead.

Also, as a sidenote; there is no C--, there's nothing -- about C.


Received on Fri May 26 2023 - 12:23:43 CEST

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