Hi all,
I use i3wm for now and want to test slstatus. I configured it easily,
but to colors works (as I understand) i3bar has to receive its input as
json, starting it with a version then an endless array such as:
Where each line in the endless array is the status line i3bar will
I just configured the slstatus format string to properly returns a json
{ datetime, ",{\"name\":\"time\",\"full_text\":\"%s\",\"color\":\"#f1fa8c\"}]", "%F %T" },
But to show the `{"version":1}[` part just once I need to use an script.
So my current configuration is something like this:
$ grep 'status_command' ~/.config/i3/config
#status_command i3status
status_command /home/gildasio/.gits/config/dotfiles/scripts/slstatus.sh
#status_command slstatus -s
$ cat /home/gildasio/.gits/config/dotfiles/scripts/slstatus.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo '{"version":1}'
echo '['
echo '[]'
slstatus -s
Is there a proper way to slstatus print this `{"version":1}[` only once?
Gildásio Júnior
Received on Sat Aug 05 2023 - 16:59:14 CEST