Re: [dev] [dmenu][bug report] Second instance invisible

From: Christopher Lang <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2023 12:22:25 +0100

NRK <> writes:
> On Thu, Sep 21, 2023 at 02:02:12PM +0100, Christopher Lang wrote:
>> I run the following shell command:
>> seq 2 | dmenu && seq 3 | dmenu
>> The first dmenu instance opens as expected. I hit the enter key and a 1
>> is printed. However, the second dmenu instance does not appear.
> Cannot reproduce on my system, tried on unpatched master branch and v5.2.
> The 2nd dmenu instance appears just fine after the first one closes.
> If you can consistently reproduce, then attach gdb to the 2nd instance
> (via `gdb --pid`) and try to inspect what might be going wrong compared
> to a non-buggy case.
> - NRK

I have discovered that the following line in my .xinitrc was causing the
  xcompmgr -n -f -I 0.1 -O 0.1 -D 8 &
Specifically, the fading effects (-f,-I,-O,-D). With these disabled,
dmenu works fine.

I tried attaching gdb to the second instance using the method you
described, but it just sits on XNextEvent. And if I start the second
dmenu with gdb already attached (i.e. seq 2 | dmenu && seq 3 | gdb dmenu),
then the additional delay before the second dmenu opening means the
error wont occur.

I'm guessing that when the second dmenu opens, the first one is still
fading out and this stops XCreateIC from working as intended?

Received on Fri Sep 22 2023 - 13:22:25 CEST

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