Re: [dev] [st] Home key does not work in yash

From: Julius Bernotas <>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2024 14:33:29 +0000

On Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 12:12:54PM +0300, wrote:
> <ztp64jpvfpeytrpsywsmkf45ooc4jdhp2ss3kulj42zavgdqes_AT_icjk3gfuqfsc>
> In-Reply-To:
> <ztp64jpvfpeytrpsywsmkf45ooc4jdhp2ss3kulj42zavgdqes_AT_icjk3gfuqfsc>
> User-Agent: mblaze/1.1
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> =D0=A1=D1=82=D1=80=D0=B0=D1=85=D0=B8=D1=9A=D0=B0 =D0=A0=D0=B0=D0=B4=D0=B8=
> =D1=9B <> wrote:
> > =D0=94=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B0 24/08/01 11:04PM, =D0=BD=
> =D0=B0=D0=BF=D0=B8=D1=81=D0=B0:
> > > When running yash in st, Home key does not work properly. In other=20
> > > terminal/shell combinations, the key moves the cursor to the beginning=20=
> > > of the line.The End key works as expected.
> >=20
> > Not reproducible on OpenBSD 7.5, sr_AT_
> >=20
> >=20
> > =D0=94=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=B0 24/08/02 12:34AM, EZS Ephir =D0=BD=D0=B0=D0=BF=
> =D0=B8=D1=81=D0=B0:
> > > Maybe you could try to give more additional info, like applied
> > > patches to st, yaoh version etc.
> >=20
> > Also how exactly is yash made to be "running in st". Run from another=20
> > shell, set as SHELL environment variable, set as shell source-level=20
> > variable?
> >=20
> > /bin /boot /dev /etc /firmware /grub-efi-ia32_2.06-13_amd64.deb /grub-pc_2.06-13_amd64.deb /home /initrd.img /initrd.img.old /lib /lib64 /lost+found /media /mnt /opt /proc /root /run /sbin /srv /swapfile /sys /target_boot /tmp /usr /var /vmlinuz /vmlinuz.old
> > data news-functions newsadd-webfeed newshandleitememail newshandleitemmblaze newshandlewebfeedxmlstarlet newsmaildir-ls newsmaildir-renderfeeds newsmaildir-renderitems newsmaildir-rm newsmaildir-select newsmaildir-uniqsubjects newssync-bluesky newssync-mastodon newssync-nostr newssync-webfeeds nohup.out snd.0 snd.0.mime tmp What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules:
> > data news-functions newsadd-webfeed newshandleitememail newshandleitemmblaze newshandlewebfeedxmlstarlet newsmaildir-ls newsmaildir-renderfeeds newsmaildir-renderitems newsmaildir-rm newsmaildir-select newsmaildir-uniqsubjects newssync-bluesky newssync-mastodon newssync-nostr newssync-webfeeds nohup.out snd.0 snd.0.mime tmp 1: program passed with -e
> > data news-functions newsadd-webfeed newshandleitememail newshandleitemmblaze newshandlewebfeedxmlstarlet newsmaildir-ls newsmaildir-renderfeeds newsmaildir-renderitems newsmaildir-rm newsmaildir-select newsmaildir-uniqsubjects newssync-bluesky newssync-mastodon newssync-nostr newssync-webfeeds nohup.out snd.0 snd.0.mime tmp 2: scroll and/or utmp
> > data news-functions newsadd-webfeed newshandleitememail newshandleitemmblaze newshandlewebfeedxmlstarlet newsmaildir-ls newsmaildir-renderfeeds newsmaildir-renderitems newsmaildir-rm newsmaildir-select newsmaildir-uniqsubjects newssync-bluesky newssync-mastodon newssync-nostr newssync-webfeeds nohup.out snd.0 snd.0.mime tmp 3: SHELL environment variable
> > data news-functions newsadd-webfeed newshandleitememail newshandleitemmblaze newshandlewebfeedxmlstarlet newsmaildir-ls newsmaildir-renderfeeds newsmaildir-renderitems newsmaildir-rm newsmaildir-select newsmaildir-uniqsubjects newssync-bluesky newssync-mastodon newssync-nostr newssync-webfeeds nohup.out snd.0 snd.0.mime tmp 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd
> > data news-functions newsadd-webfeed newshandleitememail newshandleitemmblaze newshandlewebfeedxmlstarlet newsmaildir-ls newsmaildir-renderfeeds newsmaildir-renderitems newsmaildir-rm newsmaildir-select newsmaildir-uniqsubjects newssync-bluesky newssync-mastodon newssync-nostr newssync-webfeeds nohup.out snd.0 snd.0.mime tmp 5: value of shell in config.h
> > data/
> >=20
> > What arguments are passed to it, is st running with any other program
> > (scroll? screen?), what is TERM set to, is there anything set in
> > $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.bash_profile which yash doesn't normally
> > source, etc.
> Apologies for my previous mail which got all cluttered up (Trouble with mbl=
> aze). Here's my answer:
> I'm using yash as a default shell, set with chsh. TERM is 'linux-s'. No arg=
> uments passed to yash. I don't have those bash configuration files as I use=
> only yash normally. What I have in .yashrc in addition to aliases, is:
> ```
> export PATH=3D"$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"
> =20
> export EDITOR=3Dvis
> export TERM=3D'linux-s'
> export NO_COLOR=3D1
> ```

I'm wondering if this is not related to your keyboard. Some Apple
keyboards send a different keycode for the home key. I cannot test on st
right now but my keyboard sends the keycode 102 if I run showkey on the
linux console and press the home key.
Received on Sun Aug 04 2024 - 16:33:29 CEST

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