Re: [dev] [DWM] Executing command from keybindings

From: Burak <>
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2024 14:45:30 +0000

I just open the terminal and write "TERMINAL=alacritty", that's it. Nothing added to .xinitrc or shell's profile file.

I export the variable just like you said but it still doesn't work. Does "SHCMD ("$TERMINAL -e btop")" command is right command for that thing, maybe the problem is that code.



Elie Le Vaillant <>, 5 Eylül 2024 Perşembe saat 17:37 tarihinde şunu yazdı:

> Hello,
> On Thu Sep 5, 2024 at 3:15 PM CEST, Burak wrote:
> > i set TERMINAL=alacritty by-hand
> What do you mean exactly? Where are you setting exactly, and how? If you
> are setting it in your .profile, make sure to source that. If yoy are
> setting it in your .xinitrc, do so also, etc. Basically: you must set
> this env variable in a way that dwm know about it.
> Setting it in alacritty (if that's what you meant by "by-hand") will
> not work because your shell will just set these env variables for
> itself.
> Make also sure to export the env, not just setting it (ie,
> `export TERMINAL=alacritty` rather than just `TERMINAL=alacritty`).
> Regards,
> Elie Le Vaillant
Received on Thu Sep 05 2024 - 16:45:30 CEST

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